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Unlock emails and QR

As mentioned earlier, protected tickets remain locked for a certain period of time. As the event start time approaches, they are unlocked. The unlocking time can be configured per event/show from the menta dashboard.

What Happens Once Tickets Are Unlocked?

When tickets are unlocked, it is crucial to notify users. This is done through an email informing them that their tickets are now available for use. We recommend including the PDF of the tickets in this email to enhance the user experience and ensure they have direct access to their tickets.

Can menta Send the Emails?

Additionally, menta can handle sending the QR codes through its own email delivery system. This can be a convenient option to ensure that emails are delivered efficiently and securely.

To use this option, you need to coordinate and configure the email sending with the menta team beforehand. While it is recommended that you maintain control over the sending of these emails, there is always the option to delegate this task to menta if preferred.

Email Customization

menta offers flexibility in customizing the emails sent to users. We can use our own email template, designed to meet security and presentation standards, or, if you prefer, we can send the email using a custom template provided by you. This allows you to maintain consistent communication with your brand and offer an experience more aligned with your style.

Event/Show Unlock Webhook

menta will send a Webhook to your system at the exact moment the tickets for an event/show are unlocked. This Webhook allows you to automate the process of sending emails to all users with tickets for that event/show.

Example of Event/Show Unlock Webhook:
curl --location 'This webhook will be sent to your platform exposed endpoint' \
--data {
"family": "event",
"action": "event.unlock",
"data": {
"eventId": "121982",
"showId": "8928"

Example of Application:
If an event has TicketShield activated and it is time to unlock the tickets, you will receive a notification of the event unlock. In response, you should send an email to all users who have tickets for that event/show, including the PDF ticket to facilitate their access.