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Ticket modification

Updating Ticket Information

Just like with events, we understand that tickets can also experience changes in their information, such as modifications to the buyer's email (if there were errors, like “gamil” instead of “gmail”) or updates to the ticketAccess (if QR codes were updated for any reason), among others.

To ensure that all information in menta is up to date, it is crucial that you notify us of any changes accurately.

Steps to Notify Changes in Tickets

  1. Prepare the Information: Ensure you have all the information for the ticket you wish to update. This includes both the changed data and the data that remains the same.

  2. Send the Update Request:

    • Use the HTTP PUT method to send the update request.
    • Include all ticket fields in the request body, even those that have not been modified.
  3. Example Request:

    Below is an example of how you should structure your request to update ticket information:

    Example code to update a ticket:
    curl -X PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-raw '{
    "ticketOptionId": "0001",
    "showId": "4726",
    "externalReferenceEventId": "the-lion-king-broadway",
    "buyer": "",
    "ticketId": "111",
    "ticketAccess": {
    "type": "URL",
    "locator": ""
JSON Response
"status": 200,
"data": [{NEWTICKETDATA}],
"errors": null

Additional Considerations

  • Data Review: Ensure all the information provided is correct before sending the request.
  • Common Errors: Verify that ticket data is properly formatted and that there are no typographical errors in the fields.

If you need further assistance or have any questions about the update process, please do not hesitate to contact us.